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- Marketing lessons from my brain scans (and surgery) đź§
Marketing lessons from my brain scans (and surgery) đź§
Here's what I learned about marketing with my head strapped to the table 🤯

Last week, I had two brain scans and one surgery in Dallas, TX.
The brain scans weren’t for cancer or anything. But wow, I’m learning some incredible stuff about how my brain works (or doesn’t work).
The surgery was on my jaw. Not fun, but necessary.
Through the process I learned three major marketing lessons I’d like to share with you.
This week, we’ll tackle the first lesson.
Lesson 1: Put yourself in a position to really think
My brain scans were at an Amen Clinic using SPECT scan technology.
The first one on Monday morning really sucked. The device circles around your head for 20 minutes and you absolutely cannot move.
My head was secured to the table and every part of my body itched and ached.
The second one on Tuesday sucked, too. Albeit less.
So, while the white panels pressed into my nose, my mind wandered to where it always does: books, marketing, Jesus, sushi 🤷‍♂️
I finished mapping out the structure for my upcoming book, Calm: 30 days to exchange your anxiety for God’s peace.
This was an incredibly productive session — especially considering how uncomfortable I was.
Here was my key to clarity: I couldn’t do anything but think.
Create Space — It Won’t Magically Happen
When was the last time you were in a fortress of solitude?
No chirping phone... No email... No social dings... Nada…
If it’s been awhile, create this space within the next 3 days. Block the time on your calendar. Choose your location. Prepare to unplug.
Even 20 minutes can dump gasoline on your bonfire of creative work 🔥
If you write: the secret to great writing is clear thinking.
If you podcast: the secret to a great show is articulating your points well. (And don’t forget to download my free episode structure template.)
If you create social media content: the secret to consistently great posts is making the stuff your audience wants.
This high-value space doesn’t create itself.
There’s no “Time Fairy” sprinkling the most prolific among us with magical dust that makes us less busy.

How to Structure Your Think Time
I was fortunate to have this time box forced on me. Sucky or not, when you spend thousands on scans, you show up, shut up, and saddle up.
And that’s the formula.
Show up with a plan.
Shut up and think.
Saddle up to take action.
Step 1: Plan

Your plan should be dead simple. Solve one problem.
Mine was how to structure my new book. I focused on nothing but that, staying high-level and out of the weeds.
The key here is being quiet.
Step 2: Think

My favorite way to do this is by posing questions. Our brains love questions.
The guiding question: “How can a reader move from today’s pain to tomorrow’s Promised Land?”
I landed on a 3-part structure to solve for this.
Calm comes from God’s work, our partnership with him, and our work.
Then, I broke each section into 4 parts.
→ Day 1 = a high-level overview of the section
→ Days 2–4 = content clustered around central topic one
→ Days 5–7 = content clustered around central topic two
→ Days 8–10 = content clustered around central topic three
Then, sections two and three will follow the same pattern.
Step 3: Do

Welcome to the hard part.
Once you’ve solved your problem, get into immediate action. Don’t let the grass grow between brilliance and execution.
Ideas without action are like empty Christmas presents.
They look pretty under the tree. Your kids get really excited about them. But in the end, all you have is an empty box, a void where a life-changing gift was supposed to live.
I’m excited to share more marketing insights from my medical adventures in Dallas.
For now, I hope you’ll take action on your think time. You can make massive strides faster than you think. You’ve just gotta put yourself in the right space.
But, before I sign off…
Write Your Book With Me

I’m leading a cohort of serious authors, or first-time authors, to write your entire manuscript in just 12 weeks.
The investment is $9,800 and you’ll work directly with me and get everything I’ve learned after working on over 100 books.
Please, stop living with a book inside of you. Your story matters. People in pain need your voice. I’d love to be your guide to the summit of manuscript mountain ✍️🏔️
Reply to this email if you want in. Spots are extremely limited. Also, this is hard work. And super high accountability. So you probably shouldn’t do this if you’re unwilling to put in the bloody ink, sweat, and tears.
Your friend,