Use the DECS Method to Keep People Reading

Make big promises with the DECS Method to speed up creation and double retention.

Pro tip for writers, speakers, podcasters, and creators…

Want people to actually consume your stuff like water in the Sahara?

Steal my DECS method 👇

Make a juicy promise fast.

Your teachers called this a thesis. But DECS is more than a this-is-where-we’re-going statement.

You gotta bake in big value.


Let’s say your audience is moms who want quick meals.

Here’s what NOT to do:

↓ Boring Promise ↓

"This is how to make scrambled eggs for children."

^ sorry, I already fell asleep…

Instead, do this:

↓ Brilliant Promise ↓

"Let’s breakdown exactly how to cook scrambled eggs your kids will actually eat (and beg you for!). And howabout we rock a recipe that:

1. takes less than 5 minutes

2. uses simple ingredients I guarantee you have on hand

3. is pretty enough to post on Instagram (sorry, but people must see how great you are at momming)

But first, don’t forget about your coffee in the microwave you just reheated for the 4th time.

First up, let’s grab those eggs. Six will do."

^ notice this is 9x longer than the first... yet 100x better.

Because it hits all the notes of a DECS promise:

  1. Desirable → it matches your audience’s intent

  2. Engaging → it’s interesting enough to keep them hooked

  3. Clear → they know exactly what they’re getting

  4. Specific → they can see themselves getting their dream outcome

Give DECS a try.

Watch your engagement grow.

Bask in the glory of helping more people.

Now go do it!